You are here: Advanced Learning > Credits


In LearnCenter, Credits can be associated with Users, Classes, Course, Enrollments, External Training, and Training Offerings. They can be granted automatically or elected by Users. Elected Credits can be assigned to Users by an Administrator nominating Users for an Enrollment, or Users who self enroll can select their Credits prior to beginning a learning event. Credits can be mapped to any of the following learning activities:

You also have the option to allow Users to achieve a Credit only once, or to achieve the same Credit multiple times.

By default, LearnCenter is set up to allow Users to achieve a particular Credit one time only. Contact Customer Support through My Oracle Support if you want to enable the Multiple Credits feature.

User Permissions Required to Use Credits

The following User Permissions are required to use the features in this menu:

Accessing the Credits Setup Functionality

To access the Credits setup functionality, follow these steps. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click on the Advanced Learning menu to expand it.
  2. Click Credits.

The Credits window opens. All available Credits are listed on this page. You can filter Credits by Name or Description, whether they are active or inactive, and by Catalog. A green check mark in the Status column indicates the Credit is Active. A red circle with a line through it indicates the Credit is Inactive.

The Catalog filter drop-down list only displays if Global Sharing is enabled on the Configuration Options page accessed from the Options menu of the ControlPanel.

You can view or edit the Courses, Classes, Enrollments, or Users mapped to a Credit. You can edit the status of a Credit to Active or Inactive. You can also add new Credits.

Where Admins and Supervisors Can Locate User Credit Information

Administrators and Supervisors can view what Credits are associated with Users in two places in LearnCenter:

Where Users Can Access Credit Information

There are several areas in LearnCenter where Credits can be made available to Users. You can insert a dynamic content tag on a LearnCenter page to display a User’s pending and achieved Credits. Available Credits are also visible to Users who enroll for ILT Enrollments or who complete Courses with associated Credits.

Communication Messages for Credits

There is one Communication Message for Credits that enables you to notify Users when they complete the requirements for a Credit.

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