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Learning Plan Settings

You can set default preferences for creating Learning Plans. Setting default preferences is useful if you plan to use the same settings for most of your Learning Plans. These are merely default settings for certain fields used to create new Learning Plans, and you can change these settings when you create a new plan. These default preferences are enabled for the current LearnCenter and all of its sub LearnCenters unless you specify different defaults for the sub LearnCenters.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click next to Advanced Learning.
  2. Click Learning Plan Settings.

  1. Click the Enforce Sequencing check box to set enforced Learning Plan sequencing as the default setting for all new Learning Plans.
    Clear the check box if you want to make Learning Plan sequencing optional. (Default)
If you make sequencing optional, Users will see hyperlinks to all items they have not yet completed. If you enforce sequencing, Users will only see the hyperlink to the next item in their Learning Plan.
  1. Select one of the following for Sequence By:
  1. In the Due Soon box, type the number of days prior to the due date that you want the Due Soon icon to appear to users. (Default is 7 days.)

The Approval Communication section works in conjunction with Self Service and Requires Approval check boxes from the Add Learning Plans or Edit Learning Plans Options tab.

  1. Click the Administrators with permissions check box to indicate that Learning Plan self-map request communication messages should be sent to administrators who have been granted Approve Learning Plan Self-Mapping User permission.
    Clear the check box to indicate you do not want Learning Plan self-map request communication messages to be sent to administrators who have been granted Approve Learning Plan Self-Mapping User permission.
  2. Click the Supervisors check box to indicate Learning Plan self-map request communication messages should be sent to supervisors who have been granted Approve Learning Plan Self-Mapping User permission.
    Clear the check box to indicate you do not want Learning Plan self-map request communication messages to be sent to supervisors who have been granted Approve Learning Plan Self-Mapping User permission.
  3. Select one of the following options:

Using either option is useful if in your organization you have designated people who approve Learning Plans.

  1. Click Save.

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