You are here: Communications > Communication Messages > Editing Communication Messages

Editing Communication Messages

You can modify details of messages in the current LearnCenter. Initially, the messages in your LearnCenter use the default message set up in the root LearnCenter. This can be either the default root LearnCenter message that came with LearnCenter, or the customized message you or another Admin set up in the root LearnCenter. You can edit these messages on a per-LearnCenter basis.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click   on the Communications menu to expand it.
  2. Click Messages.
  3. Use the Filters section to locate the message you want.
  4. Rest your pointer on the Communication Message you want in the Messages section, and then click . A new window opens displaying the message's details and editable fields. Use this page to view additional details for the message or to customize a standard message.

  1. (Optional) Edit the Name of the message.
  2. (Optional) Select one of the following for Status:
  1. Select one of the following for Format:

The format setting for the message is inherited by child sub LearnCenters. If the format you select here is different from the current LearnCenter’s parent LearnCenter, a restore action icon becomes available () on the Messages page when you rest your cursor on this message.

This enables you to restore the message back to its default setting if needed.

  1. If the Recipient section displays (Enrollment messages), select the appropriate recipients. The fields available in this section vary depending on the message you selected. Available options are described below:

Email and Meeting Request are only available for User Approval and Administrator Entry message types.

Meeting Request functionality can be enabled for you by Customer Support. Contact Customer Support through My Oracle Support for additional details.

Meeting Requests are only delivered to Users if the Meeting Request functionality has been enabled by Support, and the start date/time of the Enrollment is in the future. If the Enrollment has already started, a meeting request will not be sent to enrolled Users when the message is triggered, even if the functionality is enabled.

  1. Click the To check box to indicate the recipients’ names should appear in the To box, or clear the check box to indicate the recipients’ names should not appear in the To box.
  2. Send a Copy To check box to indicate the recipients’ names should appear in the Copy To box, or clear the check box to recipients’ names should not appear in the Copy To box.
  3. Click the CC check box to indicate the recipients’ names should appear in the CC box, or clear the check box to indicate the recipients’ names should not appear in the CC box.

Select the To check box for approval messages if you want the message to be sent to the recipients without also having to select the approved Users as recipients. This is so you can notify recipients like the enrollment administrator without also sending a message to the approve Users.

Select the Copy To check box to send a copy of the message (which is also sent to recipients) to the enrollment admin. This message has the wording “This notification is copied to you” inserted in the message body. This message is configurable. Contact Customer Support through My Oracle Support if you want to change this message.

  1. Click the check boxes next to Users you want to include. or Clear the check boxes next to Users you want to exclude.
  2. Click Return Selected.
  1. Type the Message Subject the way you would like it to appear. Use the Insert Dynamic Content drop-down list to add personalization at the cursor's location in the text. When this letter is sent to the User, the dynamic content is replaced with the appropriate information for the recipient. Each message type has its own set of dynamic contents.
  2. Type the Message Body the way you would like it to appear. Use the Insert Dynamic Content drop-down list to add personalization at the cursor's location in the text. When this letter is sent to the User, the dynamic content is replaced with the appropriate information for the recipient. Each message type has its own set of dynamic contents.
  1. (Optional) Add attachments to the message.
  1. Click Browse and navigate to the file you want to attach to the message.
  2. Select the file and click Open.
  3. Click Insert.
  4. (Optional) Click Browse if you want to attach another file to the message and repeat the steps above.
Inserted and removed attachments are not saved with the message until you click Save Message at the bottom of the page.


To remove attachments, click the check box next to the attachment and then click Delete Attachments.
  1. (Optional) Create message triggers. Each message has a default trigger set up. You can create additional ones if needed.
  2. (Optional) Select one of the following for Save Customizations:
  1. Click the Overwrite other customized messages check box if you want your changes to overwrite settings for this message in other LearnCenter.
    Clear the check box if you do not want your changes to overwrite settings for this message in other LearnCenter. (Default)
See Communication Message Automation for additional information.
  1. Click Save.

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