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Assets/Materials User Permissions

You must grant the appropriate Assets/Materials User Permissions to the Users who are responsible for Assets/Materials. You can grant all Assets/Materials-related permissions by granting the Manage Assets/Materials User Permission, or you can grant or deny specific Assets/Materials-related sub permissions as needed.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click   on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Clicknext to a User.
  4. Click next to Manage Assets/Materials to expand the list of permissions.
  5. Click the check box next to a permission to grant it to the User.
    Clear the check box to deny the permission to the User.
  6. Click Save.

Each permission is described below.

Permission Description

Manage Assets/Materials

Grant this permission to any Users responsible for managing Assets/Materials for Instructor led training (ILT) events.

Add Assets/Materials

Enables Users to add new Assets or Materials. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to add new Assets or Materials.

Add Assets/Materials Categories

Enables Users to add Asset/Material categories to the LearnCenter. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to add Asset/Material categories to the LearnCenter.

Edit Assets/Materials

Enables Users to edit Assets or Materials. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to edit Assets or Materials.

Edit Assets/Materials Categories

Enables Users to edit Asset/Material categories to the LearnCenter. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to edit Asset/Material categories.

Delete Assets/Materials Enables Users to delete Assets or Materials. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to delete Assets or Materials.
Delete Assets/Materials Categories Enables Users to delete/deactivate Asset/Material categories from the LearnCenter. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to delete/deactivate Asset/Material categories from the LearnCenter.

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