You are here: Options > Field Settings > Making Custom and Standard Fields Accessible to Others

Making Custom and Standard Fields Accessible to Others

You have the ability to set what LearnCenter standard and custom fields display to Admins, Supervisors, and end Users, and who has the ability to edit these fields. What you select here affects these fields for all pages on which they display throughout LearnCenter for the selected Item Type.

For example, you may want end Users to enter their First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and preferred Time Zone on the pages where these particular standard fields display. That means the fields must first be viewable to Users, and also editable so that they can enter the appropriate data. To do this, select the User View and User Edit check boxes for First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Time Zone.

If you only want to give Admins access to certain custom fields, you select the Management View and Management Edit check boxes for these fields. Likewise, you can give Supervisors view-only, or view and edit permissions for certain fields using the Supervisor View and Supervisor Edit check boxes. Perhaps you only want Supervisors to view custom Roster fields on My Team, but not edit them. You would select the Supervisor View check boxes for the fields so that they can view the fields, but clear the Supervisor Edit check boxes so that they cannot edit them.

You can set certain fields to be required no matter who has the ability to edit them. If fields are required, Users see a red asterisk (*) next to them. You can also indicate what fields display on the Registration page, Signup page, and User Cards. The changes you make here will take effect for all Users the first time they sign up or the next time they log on based on the way your LearnCenter was set up.

For Learning Plan fields you are limited to Management View, Management Edit, User View and Required, as the other views are not necessary.

When you first view this page, standard and custom User fields are listed. However, you can select another Item Type from the drop-down list to display other types of fields, such as standard and custom Enrollment, Job Profile, or Roster fields, among others.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click on the Options menu to expand it.
  2. Click Field Settings.

This page lists all custom fields you or other Admins added for LearnCenter, and Standard Fields that are included with LearnCenter. By default, User custom and standards fields display on the page when it first opens. You can view other standard and custom field types by selecting the appropriate Item Type from the drop-down list.

To select all fields in a column, click the gray check box at the top of the column, or clear the gray check box to clear all check boxes in that column. You can also select items individually.

For each field listed on the left side of the page:

  1. Click the Management View check box to enable Admins to view the field.
    Clear the check box to hide the field from Admins.

Fields you select in the Management View column will be displayed for administrators only. These fields display in the Users Properties window accessed from the Manage Users page. It also displays on the Gradebook page when you click a student's name. See Users Accounts and the help topic called Gradebook  for more information on these pages


If you or another Admin clears the Management View check box on the User Field Settings page for any fields that are used to create a Group criteria, the criteria will be disconnected. Selecting the check box reconnects the criteria.
  1. Click the Management Edit check box to enable Admins to edit the field.
    Clear the check box to prevent Admins from editing the field.

Fields you select in this column will be viewable and editable for administrators only. These fields display in the Users Properties window accessed from the Manage Users page.

If you make a field editable for Admins you must also make it viewable. See Users Accounts for more information on the Manage Users page.

  1. Click the User View check box to enable Users to view the field.
    Clear the check box to hide the field from Users.

Fields you select in this column will be displayed on the ControlPanel for Users to view only.  

  1. Click the User Edit check box to enable Users to edit the field.
    Clear the check box to prevent Users from editing the field.

Fields you select in this column will be displayed on the ControlPanel for Users to view only. If you make a field editable to Users you must also make it viewable.

  1. Click the Supervisor View check box to enable supervisors to view the field.
    Clear the check box to hide the field from supervisors.
  2. Click the Supervisor Edit check box to enable supervisors to edit the field.
    Clear the check box to prevent supervisors from editing the field.

The following fields may or may not display depending on the Item Type you selected.

  1. Click the Show on self-registration check box to make this field available when Users self-register.
    Clear the check box to prevent Users from viewing the field for self-registration.
  2. Click the Show on signup form check box to make this field available when Users sign up.
    Clear the check box to prevent Users from viewing the field when they sign up.

The first time a User signs in, the fields selected in this column will display in a form to them.

Note: If you selected a field to show up on the sign-up form, you must also select that the User can edit and view the field. Otherwise, the User will not have the capability to fill in the information you requested.

  1. Click the Required check box to make this field mandatory. Users will see a red asterisk (*) next to the field.
    Clear the check box to not require entry in this field.

Fields selected in this column become mandatory fields. Users or administrators who log in or edit data must complete all required fields before they can save their changes.

  1. Click the User Card check box to make the field display on User Cards.
    Clear the check box to hide the field on User Cards.
  2. Click Do Not Allow Edit after Enrollment pre-status is “Approved” to prevent Users who have been granted the Management Edit, User Edit, or Supervisor Edit permissions for custom Roster fields from editing custom Roster field data for an enrolled User whose Enrollment pre-status is set to Approved or Forced Enrollment. If the pre-status is changed from “Approved” or “Forced Enrollment” to any other pre-status, the Roster data can be edited by Users with Management Edit, User Edit, or Supervisor Edit User permissions for custom fields.
    Clear the check box to allow Users who have been granted the Management Edit, User Edit, or Supervisor Edit permissions for custom Roster fields to edit custom Roster field data for an enrolled User whose Enrollment pre-status is set to Approved or Forced Enrollment. If the pre-status is changed from “Approved” or “Forced Enrollment” to any other pre-status, the Roster data can be edited by Users with Management Edit, User Edit, or Supervisor Edit User permissions for custom fields.
  3. Click Do Not Allow Edit after Enrollment post-status is “Completed” to prevent Users who have been granted the Management Edit, User Edit, or Supervisor Edit permissions for custom Roster fields from editing the custom Roster fields for an enrolled User whose Enrollment pre-status is Approved or Forced Enrollment, and the Enrollment post-status is set to one of the following completion post-statuses:

If the post-status is changed to an incomplete post-status, the custom Roster field data can be edited by Users who have ‘Management Edit’, ‘User Edit’, or ‘Supervisor Edit’ permissions for custom Roster fields.
Clear the check box to allow Users who have been granted the Management Edit, User Edit, or Supervisor Edit permissions for custom Roster fields to edit the custom Roster fields for an enrolled User whose Enrollment pre-status is Approved or Forced Enrollment, and the Enrollment post-status is set to one of the statuses listed above.

Additionally for custom Roster fields:

  • If any of the “Edit” options are checked, then the custom field data would be editable anytime by that role, unless one of the Do Not Allow Edit after Enrollment check boxes is selected.
  • If none of the “Edit” options are selected, no role will be able to modify the custom field data, so the Do Not Allow Edit after Enrollmentpre-status approved and Do not Allow Edit after post status completed check boxes will also be disabled
  • The Do Not Allow Edit after Enrollment pre-status approved and Do not Allow Edit after post status completed check boxes will be enabled when at least one of the “Edit” options is selected.
  1. Click Save.

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