You are here: Options > System Options > User Control Settings

User Control Settings

Use the fields in the User Control panel to determine certain settings for usernames and passwords. The settings you determine here are system-wide and can not be overridden at the LearnCenter level. On the ControlPanel in the root LearnCenter:

  1. Click on the Options menu to expand it.
  2. Click System.
  3. Scroll down if necessary to view the User Control panel.

  1. Type the Password Minimum Length.
  2. Type the Password Maximum Length.
  3. Type the Passwords Allowed Prompt that describes the required password parameters to the User.
  4. Type the Username Allowed Characters you want to allow Users to include in their passwords.

The Username Allowed Characters field is a Regular Expression LearnCenter uses to validate the format of each username. It can be made up of:

  • Upper case letters by using the pattern A-Z
  • Lower case letters by using the pattern a-z
  • The digits 0 through 9 by using the pattern 0-9
  • The special characters -.! # $ & ' * + / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~

Forbidden characters are % [ ] \.

The allowed special characters must be placed at the beginning or the end of the Expression, with no spaces or commas between any of the characters. The dash (-) character, if allowed, must be placed at the very beginning or at the very end of the allowable special characters. The decimal (.) character, if allowed, CANNOT be placed at the very beginning or at the very end of the allowable special characters.

Example of a valid Regular Expression: A-Za-z0-9-.! # $ & ' * + / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~

Note in the example that all of the allowed special characters appear at the end of the Expression, after the upper and lower case letters and the digits. The dash is placed at the very beginning of the string of special characters, and the decimal follows the dash.

  1. Type the Username Minimum Length.
  2. Type the Username Maximum Length.
  3. Type a message in the Usernames Allowed Prompt field that describes the required username parameters to the User.
  4. Click Save.

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