You are here: Tools > Registry Editor

Registry Editor

Throughout online help, you may notice references to special functionality, features, or settings that you can activate with the assistance of a member of Taleo Learn Support. These are usually done by adding or editing a registry key in the Registry Editor. Since registry keys can have a dramatic affect on your LearnCenter, even in some cases rendering it unusable, registry keys can only be provided by (and sometimes only activated by) a member of Taleo Learn Support.

If a Registry Key is not already functional for your LearnCenter, contact Taleo Learn Support and ask to have it activated. Do not change the values of registry keys without first contacting Taleo Learn Support. Taleo Learn will not support issues brought on by unauthorized changes to the registry.

There are two types of Registry Keys:

Registry keys consist of the following elements:

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click   on the Tools menu to expand it.
  2. Click Registry Editor. The Registry Editor opens displaying any registry settings you have already set. If nothing displays on the page, no keys have been altered or set yet.

Button Description

Click this to edit the category.

Note: Access to this option is only available if you have been granted the Edit Registry Keys sub User Permission. See Registry Keys User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying this User Permission.

Click this to delete the category.

Note: Access to this option is only available if you have been granted the Delete Registry Keys sub User Permission. See Registry Keys User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying this User Permission.

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