You are here: User Accounts > User Roles > Mapping Users to a Role

Mapping Users to a Role

You can map Users to a Role once you have added and associated permissions with it. When you map Users to a Role, the permissions associated with the Role are assigned to those Users.

You cannot delete permissions granted through a User Role when editing an individual’s User Permissions at the User account level, but you can grant additional permissions to that User at the User account level. See User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying User Permissions.
If a User is mapped to a User Role and then that User's permissions are edited at the User account level, that User will be exempt from any future permission changes made to the User Role. Those changes would have to be granted individually to that User at the User account level. If a User is mapped to any Role other than the Default User Role, he or she is not considered part of the default User Role and will be exempt from any future permission changes made to the Default User Role. Permission changes for that User would have to be made in the other User Role to which he or she is mapped.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click  on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click User Roles.
  3. Click next to a standard or custom Role listed in the Roles section.
  4. Click Insert Users.
  1. CollapsedSearch for the Users you want to add to the Role.
  1. Click the check boxes next to the Users you want to add to the Role. Users marked with gray check boxes are already associated with this Role.
You cannot add yourself to a Role.
  1. Click Return Selected in the User List pane.
  2. The Users you selected are now listed on the View Users Mapped to Roles page.

In addition to adding Users, the View Users Mapped to Roles page gives you access to the actions described in the table below.

Button Description

Edit Role Details

Click this button to open the User Role Properties page.

Delete Users

Select Users to be deleted from the Role then click this button.

Insert Users

Click this button to open the Select Users page.

Click this to edit User properties.

Click this to write or review User performance notes for the User.

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