You are here: User Accounts > Managing Users > Changing User Account Settings

Changing User Account Settings

Use the User Account Settings page to reset a User’s password, determine when a User's account becomes active, and when it expires. You can also indicate the scope of LearnCenters to which these settings apply.

The following User Permissions are required to use this functionality:

  • View Admin Tools
  • Change User Settings (sub permission of Manage Users [Advanced] )
  • View User List (sub permission of Manage Users [Basic] )

See User Account User Permissions for additional information on these and other User Account permissions.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click  on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Search for the User whose account settings you want to edit. 
  4. Click next to the User. The User Properties window opens.
  5. Click Account Settings in the Instructions section. The User Account Settings window opens.

this image shows part of the User Account Settings window, with the Reset Password and Future Expiration fields that are described in the following steps.

  1. Type a New Password.
  2. Type the password again in the Confirm New Password field.
  3. (Optional) Select the Force user to change password on first login check box if you want users to update their passwords the next time they log in. If you select this option, select the amount of time Users will have to change their passwords. The default is 10 minutes.
  • If Users do not change their password in the allotted amount of time, they will receive an error message. An Administrator would then need to extend the number of minutes allowed for those Users so that they can log in with the original password, or give the Users new passwords.
    1. Select one of the following to indicate the password's Future Expiration Date:

    You can set Users’ passwords to expire at any time. If a User’s password expires while he or she is currently using LearnCenter, the User is prompted to create a new password. See Expiring Passwords for an example of what displays to Users when passwords expire mid session.


    This section is only editable if you have been granted the Change User Account Active and Expired Dates (all LearnCenters) sub permission of the Manage Users (Advanced) User Permission. See User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying User permissions.


    If the LearnCenter has the Strong Password feature enabled, the new password must meet the specified requirements. If the password rule requirement is not met when you change a User's password, a message displays to alert you. Click Help to view the requirements of the current password rule.

    1. Select one of the following for Active:
    1. Select one of the following to indicate the User Account's Future Expiration Date:
    1. Select one of the following for Scope:

    Your ability to update the active and expired dates for Users in this or other sub LearnCenters depends on what sub User permissions you have been granted in the Manage Users (Advanced) User Permission category.

    • If you have only been granted the Change User Account Active and Expired Dates (this LearnCenter) permission, the dates you specify are saved for this LearnCenter only.
    • If you have been granted the Change User Account Active and Expired Dates (Sub LearnCenter) permission, but not the Change User Account Active and Expired Dates (all LearnCenters) permission, the dates you specify are saved for this LearnCenter and any sub LearnCenters.
    • If you have been granted the Change User Account Active and Expired Dates (all LearnCenters) permission, you will be allowed to select the scope of your changes.

    See User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying User Permissions.

    1. Click the Update button for the changes to be accepted.

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