You are here: User Accounts > Methods for Inserting New Users > Inserting Existing Users from other Sites

Inserting Existing Users from Other Sites

You can insert a user who already has a LearnCenter account, but who is not yet a member of the current LearnCenter . You must know the user’s LearnCenter  username. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click  on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click Add/Insert Users.
  3. Type the Username in the Insert Existing Users section. 
  4. Click Insert User.


Newly created Users appear in the Actions For Recently Created User section. Additional buttons are available for you to edit user properties, User Permissions, and send an internal email messages to Users.

Action Description
Click this button to display and modify the User Properties page for the User.
Click this button to display and modify the User Permissions for the User.
Click this button to send user an internal email message to the User. See Com System for instructions.

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