You are here: User Accounts > Managing Users > Mapping Users To Or Unmapping Users From Groups

Mapping Users To Or Unmapping Users From Groups

The functionality described below pertains to the "classic Groups" functionality. If you were an Oracle Taleo Learn customer prior to LearnCenter software release 14.6, your LearnCenter will continue to use the classic Groups functionality until you elect to migrate to the Dynamic Groups functionality. If you became a customer after release 14.6, your LearnCenter contains the Dynamic Groups functionality. See Dynamic Groups for information about the Dynamic Groups functionality.

You can map Users to Groups or delete them (unmap) from Groups. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click  on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Use the Filters section to search for the Users you want to work with.
  4. Scroll down if necessary to view the Users section.
  5. Click next to the Users you want to work with.
  6. Select Map/Unmap Users To/From Group from the Actions drop-down list in the Users section. The Map User Action window opens.

The Users you selected are listed in the Selected User(s) section.

  1. Click Select Group.
  2. Type a portion of the Group Name and select one of the following:
  1. Click Search.

Possible matches are listed in the Groups List section.

  1. Click the option button next to the group you want and click Return Selected.
  2. Click Map Users to map the Users to the group you selected.
    Click Unmap Users to delete the Users from the group you selected.
  3. Click Return to return to the Users page.

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