SCORM Settings
You can specify the default settings for SCORM courses in your LearnCenter. On the ControlPanel:
- Click
on the Options
menu to expand it.
- Click
- Scroll down if necessary to view the SCORM Settings panel.
- Select
one of the following from the Look-Ahead Sequencing
drop-down list:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, Yes is used.
- No - for all activities to be available in
the Table of Contents (TOC).
- Yes - for all activities to not be available
in the TOC.
Setting Look-Ahead
Sequencing to No speeds
up navigation from one SCO to another for only SCORM 2004. In
addition, setting this field to No allows
the user to click on any activity in the TOC and the rules are
evaluated at runtime. See Look-Ahead Sequencing for
additional information.
- Select
one of the following from the Use AJAX Communication
drop-down list:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, Yes is used.
- No - to not enable AJAX Communications.
- Yes - to enable AJAX Communications.
Communication allows the LearnCenter
to handle network communication issues and prevent race conditions
for courses that pass completion and bookmarking related information
during the content’s unload event handler. This setting can only
be changed on a per LearnCenter
See Asynchronous JavaScript - AJAX for additional information.
- Select
one of the following from the SCORM 1.2 Commit Behavior
drop-down list:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, Explicit is used.
- Interval-Based - to use the auto-commit on
a specified interval. If you select this option, the SCORM 1.2 Commit Interval (ms) field displays. Type the appropriate information. This field only takes numeric characters, and it measures in milliseconds. Leaving the field blank will imply a default value of 500.
- Explicit - to use the explicit commit call.
- Select
one of the following from the SCORM 2004 Commit Behavior
drop-down list:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, Explicit is used.
- Interval-Based - to use the auto-commit on
a specified interval. If you select this option, the SCORM 2004 Commit Interval (ms) field displays. Type the appropriate information. This field only takes numeric characters, and it measures in milliseconds. Leaving the field blank will imply a default value of 500.
- Explicit - to use the explicit commit call.
- Select one of the following for Unsuspend SCO Upon Initialize:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
- No - to prevent the SCO from initializing immediately when a User resumes use after a pause or suspension.
- Yes - to initialize the SCO immediately when a User resums use after a pause or suspension.
When a Course is launched, and if it was left suspended (paused, later to be resumed) from the last session the User had with it, it would immediately unsuspend it (this is the default [NO]). So for those Courses that require a User to click a link to view the content, the User could simply just click Next and then the suspended information would be lost. Setting this option to Yes will wait until the Course content sends in an Initialize command, and then unsuspend the Course attempt.
- Select
one of the following from the Navigation Button
Tips drop-down list:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, On is used.
- Off - to not enable the dynamic help text
that displays at the right of the course player's navigation button sections.
- On - to enable the dynamic help text that
displays at the right of the course player's navigation button sections.
When the SCO is finished with the SCORM API
- Select
one of the following from the Show Navigation
Buttons drop-down
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, No is used.
- No - displays the course player's navigation
buttons regardless of the SCORM API state.
- Yes - hides the course player's navigation
buttons while the SCORM API session is active.
- Select
one of the following from the Send Emails drop-down list:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, Yes is used.
- No - sends the supervisor an email as
soon as the course sends a completed completion status.
- Yes - delays the sending of the course
completion message until the course terminates the SCORM API session.
- Select
one of the following from the Close External Window
drop-down list:
- Inherited - uses the value from the
parent LearnCenter.
If parent LearnCenter is
default, Yes is used.
- No - to not automatically close the
pop-up window that the SCORM content (the SCO) is contained in.
- Yes - automatically closes the pop-up
window that the SCORM content (the SCO) is contained in.
When the SCORM API fails to initialize.
- Click
the Show Message check box so that
the API failure message displays if the second attempt to initialize the
API is unsuccessful.
Clear the check box if you do not want to display the message when the
second attempt to initialize the API is unsuccessful.
- Use
the default Message or customize the message
to suit your business needs.
This field does not
accept HTML Code. The Message field
does not display if you do not select the Show
Message check box.
- Click
the Close Course on Initialization Failure check
box if you want to close the course one the user has clicked OK
on the second unsuccessful attempt to initialize the API.
Clear the check box if you want to allow the user to continue unto the
course by clicking OK or close the course
by clicking Cancel.
The Close
Course on Initialization Failure check box does not
display if you do not select the Enable
Course API Failure Message check box.
If you select the Close
Course on Initialization Failure check box in the
Course Options - SCORM panel, you will only see the OK option
on the second attempt message box instead of OK and
See SCORM API Error Messages for
additional information.
- Click Save.
Related Topics
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