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Resource Manager User Permissions

You must grant the appropriate Resource Manager User Permissions to the Administrators who are responsible for Resource Manager. You can grant all Resource Manager-related permissions by granting the Manage Files and Insert/Edit Images (sub permission of Edit LearnCenter Pages) User Permissions, or you can grant or deny specific Resource Manager-related sub permissions as needed.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click   on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Clicknext to an Admin.
  4. Click next to Edit LearnCenter Pages to expand the list of permissions.
  5. Click the check box next to Insert/Edit Images to grant the permission to the Admin.
    Clear the check box to deny the permission to the Admin.
  6. Click next to Manage Files to expand the list of permissions.
  7. Click the check box next to a permission to grant it to the Admin.


    Clear the check box to deny the permission to the Admin.
  8. Click Save.

Each permission is described below.



Manage Files

Grant this User Permission to Admins you want to have the ability to work with the Resource Manager. This includes uploading and organizing documents and media resources. This permission is typically granted to Content Admins or the users responsible for the design of the LearnCenter Interface.

Upload Files

Enables Admins to upload files to the Resource Manager. If you deny this permission, Admins will not be able to upload files to the Resource Manager for WYSIWYG courses. This permission is typically granted to Content Admins or the users responsible for the design of the LearnCenter Interface, and those who use the Course Editor.

Use Resource Manager

Enables Admins to use the Resource Manager. If you deny this permission, Admins will not be able to use the Resource Manager. This permission is typically granted to Content Admins or the users responsible for the design of the LearnCenter Interface, and those who use the Course Editor.

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