You are here: Prerequisites > Managing Prerequisites

Managing Prerequisites

Use the Prerequisites menu to view and manage any prerequisites set up for the LearnCenter and their accompanying alerts. You can also add new prerequisites. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click   on the Prerequisites menu to expand the list.
  2. Click Prerequisites. All items for which you set up prerequisites will display on this page. You can filter by item type, name, creation dates, status, and category. You can also determine how many items display on the page at one time. (The default is 50.)
  3. Click  in the Actions column next to a learning item.


The item's prerequisite details display. The Prerequisites panel displays the items that are considered prerequisites of the learning item. The Prerequisite Rule panel displays the rules users will have to follow with the prerequisites before they can take the learning item. The parenthesis helps to group the items in the rule for better readability. The example above shows that before users can take Baking 101, they have a choice of taking either Beginner's Food Prep or British Pub Favorites. They must also take Asian Cooking.

You can edit the rule on this page by changing the order of the items using the up or down arrows, clicking  in the Actions column to make a prerequisite mandatory or optional, and by clicking to delete a prerequisite.

  1. Make the necessary changes.
  2. Click Return.

You can add new prerequisites using the "manage" pages for each learning item type. See Adding Prerequisites for an Assignment, Adding Prerequisites to Courses, Adding Prerequisites for ILT Sessions and Adding Prerequisites for Enrollments.

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