Once you have added a Learning Plan, you can begin adding training items to it. You can map the following types of items to a Learning Plan:
Categories, Competencies, Job Profiles, and Users can be mapped to Learning Plans, but you cannot sequence them. Training Offerings are only accessible to Users with the Training Offering Catalog dynamic object. They are visible in Learning Plan dynamic objects, but not clickable. ILT Events, Tracks, and Sessions can be mapped to a Learning Plan even if there are no associated Enrollments available for them. Be sure to provide Enrollments for Users to fulfill the requirements of a Learning Plan. Additional rules apply for mapping Learning Plans to other Learning Plans. See Sequenced Learning Plans for additional details). |
The process of mapping Job Profiles to Learning Plans when there are more than 100 Users involved is done asynchronously. This means that processing runs in the background until it is complete, and some Job Profile mapped Users may not be immediately visible on the Users tab until the processing is finished. Subsequent visits to the tab will show the complete list of the Users. Note that this only affects the Users associated with the Job Profile-to-Learning Plan mapping. The mapping of the Job Profile to the Learning Plan is handled in real time. |
You can mark items as optional if you want and you can require that Users complete a certain number of items to complete the Learning Plan. If you are in the process of adding a new Learning Plan now, click the Mappings tab. Otherwise:
On the ControlPanel:
If there are items already mapped to the Learning Plan, they display here. By default, all item types display in the list, but you can use the View Mapped drop-down list to filter the items by type. To map an new item:
This field is not editable if the item you selected is an ILT session or an Enrollment, because they have their own due dates as determined by the Administrator who created the session or Enrollment. The date displayed in the disabled field is either the ILT session or Enrollment End Date. See How Due Dates are Determined below for additional information. |
You can require that Users complete a certain number of optional Learning Plan items. For example, you may have 3 optional items associated with a Learning Plan, and you want to require that Users complete at least 2 of these items to complete the Learning Plan. See the steps for the Options tab in Adding a New Learning Plan. |
If you make sequencing optional, Users will see hyperlinks to all items they have not yet completed in their Learning Plans. If you enforce sequencing, Users will only see the hyperlink to the next item in their Learning Plan. |
Refer to the following MOS documents for information on how due dates are determined:
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