You are here: Assignments > Adding a New Assignment

Adding a New Assignment

You can add new assignments to give to Users. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click on the Assignment menu to expand it.
  2. Click Assignments.
  3. Click Add Assignment.

  1. Type the Name of the assignment .
  2. Type the maximum number of Points for this assignment.
  3. Select one of the following for In Gradebook:
  1. Type the Objective for the assignment.
  2. Click Select Categories and select the categories to which you want to associate the assignment. Click Return Selected when you are done.
  3. Select one of the following to indicate whether an assignment is linked to an online course or collaboration tool:

The assignment is automatically marked as complete once a user has finished the course.

Forum assignments will not be submitted. You must enter a grade in the Gradebook in order for the user to complete this assignment.

Chat room assignments will not be submitted. You must enter a grade in the Gradebook in order for the user to complete this assignment.

  1. (Optional) Click Insert File to attach documents or files to the assignment.
  1. Click Browse and locate the file on your PC or network.
  2. Select the file and click Open.
  3. Click Upload File.
  1. Click Save.

Once you have added an assignment, you can make additional modifications to it by clicking next to the assignment on the Assignments page. An additional field, Prerequisites, displays on the page that was not available when you added the assignment. See Adding Prerequisites for an Assignment for instructions.

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