You are here: User Accounts > Methods for Inserting New Users > Adding a New User

Adding a New User

You can add brand new, basic User accounts one-by-one by typing in a few pieces of information. This method of User creation is best when you only have one or two Users to insert into your site. Once you have added the basic account, you can complete more detailed User profile information and assign User Permissions.

If you need to add more than a handful of Users, try using the Bulk Import feature instead, or speak to your Account Manager for information on integration with an HRIS or other system. You can also insert existing Users from another LearnCenter.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click  on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click Add/Insert Users.

  1. Type a unique Username.

If you do not know what characters are allowed for your LearnCenter, contact the Admin who is responsible for administering the User Control Settings section of the System Options page in the root LearnCenter. Possible characters could include:

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters (usernames are not case-sensitive).
  • Any special character EXCEPT a space or the characters ,% [ ] \

Examples of allowed special characters: -.! # $ & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~


  • The dash (-) character, if allowed, must be placed at the very beginning or at the very end of the allowable special characters in the User Control Settings. In the username format itself, the dash (-) can be placed anywhere (Example: JOHN-SMITH).
  • The decimal (.) character, if allowed, CANNOT be placed at the very beginning or at the very end of the allowable special characters in the User Control Settings. In the username format itself, the decimal (.) can be placed anywhere (Example: JANE.SMITH).
You can set up the UserNamesAllowedPrompt registry key to control the prompt text in the username field. See Registry Editor for instructions on setting Registry Keys.
  1. Type a valid Email address. The email address should be for the User you are creating and this information will be visible on the User's details page. If the User’s email address is not known, type in any valid email address and update it later.
  1. (Optional) Add additional accounts based on the same username by typing the number of Additional Accounts. A number will be added to the end of the original username for each additional account. All accounts added based on one username will have the same password and email address. You can add up to 9,999 additional accounts based on the same username.

The total length of Username field and the Additional Accounts field must be within the limit specified in the MaxUsernameLength LearnCenterregistry. For example, if the MaxUsernameLength is 100 and you type 99 characters for a username field, then enter 10 in the Additional Accounts field, the system would try to add a User with 101 characters breaking the maxusernamelength rule. See Registry Editor for instructions on setting Registry Keys.

  1. Select the Use a system generated password check box to indicate whether you want LearnCenter to generate a password for new Users. If you select this check box, the Password and Confirm Password fields become disabled, and the system generates a unique initial password for each new User automatically.
    Clear the check box to indicate you do not want to use a system generated password. By default, this check box is cleared,so you can type a password of your choosing in the Password and Confirm Password fields. Whatever you type for the password will be initially assigned to all new User accounts created in the system.
  2. Type a Password and Confirm Password.
You can set up the PasswordsAllowedPrompt registry key to control the prompt text in the password field. See Registry Editor for instructions on setting Registry Keys.
  1. If you want the User to immediately change the password, click the Force user to change password on first login check box.
    Clear the check box to not require an immediate password change.
  2. Select one of the following for Password Expiration:

If you need to change the Password Expiration setting later, you can do so on the User Account Settings page.

  1. Click Add User(s). If the username you entered is not already taken, a message displays that says the new User account has been added. If the username already exists in the LearnCenter, an error message appears.

You can also get the error message if you added the User previously, but did not click the Insert LearnCenter Memberships check box or chose a status in the Bulk Import Users page. If you do not click this check box, you will not see the Users listed on the Users page.

To eliminate the error, you need to edit the User from the Actions for Recently Added User section and do the Bulk Import again. You must click the Insert LearnCenter  Memberships check box and choose a status. After the User is updated, the User displays on the Users page and you will no longer get the error message.

(See Bulk Importing Users for information about this page.)

You have added a basic User account with username, Email account, and password information only. You can now do the following:

Once a User account is created using the steps above, the "New Account Created" Communication Message is triggered and sent to your newly created User. By default, this message comes with suggested text which contains dynamic tags for First Name and Last Name. Since the Add/Insert Users method does not require you to enter a first or last name for Users, the message is sent with the first and last name as blank if you use the default message text. The default message text is only a suggestion, and can be edited as needed to suit your individual situation. If you are creating Users via Add/Insert Users, it is suggested that you remove the First and Last Name dynamic content tags from the "New Account Created" Communication Message text.

If your new User accounts are created via a bulk import or a User integration that populates the First and Last Name fields during the account creation, the First and Last Name dynamic content tags will successfully populate in the "New Account Created" message received by the User.

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